Monday, May 14, 2012

Becoming more active

So over the weekend I did try the paleo ice cream recipe.  It tastes yummy but I screwed up my ice cream maker and it's more like sorbet than actual ice cream.  I want to try the primal energy bars recipe as well but time sort of slipped away from me and this week is kind of crazy.

So it's day #34.  By now this is all pretty easy to me.  I've figured out what I really like to eat and try to prep that stuff or have it on hand.  This equates to us going thru 2-3 dozen eggs per week.  Yes, that many :)  Anyway I'm feeling really good, full of energy and excited about getting active.  I've lost 20lbs and have been bouncing up and down 2-3lbs.  I know that I'm not losing as much b/c I need to incorporate more activity in my life so that's my new focus.... getting active.

Mark Sissson, the MDA Primal guy says that we should move frequently at a slow pace, lift heavy things, and play.  So what does that mean?  I take it to mean getting outside, hiking, kayaking, walking, running and lifting heavy stuff.  But Mark has a much more detailed plan here.

I also need to get a better handle making sure I'm not eating too much and make sure I eat enough fat.  I'm still having a hard time getting enough fat in me.  I got protein down pat, the fat thing not so much.  I truly think this has slowed my weight loss b/c my body isn't getting many carbs but it's also not getting enough fat which is what it uses for fuel so it's holding onto everything.  So this week I am making a concerted effort to eat more healthy fat...i.e. avocados, grass fed butter, etc.

My lack of lost weight however wouldn't normally discourage me except that I'm in the 90 competition with some friends.  My clothes are all fitting much better, my body is changing shape even if the weight isn't dropping.  I know that I have to keep plugging along and it will come together but I need to pull my weight on my team so I'm going to do some extreme things to lose as much as possible.

That's it for this one; I feel like I'm rambling.  I am excited that more folks are asking me about paleo/primal.  A few friends are trying it and having great success!  I'm confident in the long run this is what I need! :D

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