Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The last week has been a blur

My mom had surgery on Tuesday and came home on Friday.  Last week I did not make the most healthy choices available and it started showing on the scale.  When I first checked on Friday I was only up .2 but by Saturday I was up a full 4lbs.  This because the hospital food choices weren't exactly paleo friendly.  I foraged the best I could but I was not getting enough veggies or water.  This also led to another issue... I was constipated for 4 days.  I eventually had to take something.  This is proof that when eating high protein without the recommended amount of fruit and veggies you're going to be in a bad way.  Paleo isn't just meat, it's also about veggies and fruit and nuts....nature's natural fiber.  Shame on me!

In the end I was ok and I came out the other side with a loss today... I'm down .4 from my last weigh in last Monday.  My mom is home and doing great, I'm back on track too!  I'm now at 24lbs lost since I started this new lifestyle.  The last 10lbs came off much slower than the first 14 or so but I'm still losing and more importantly my clothes are not fitting!  My gut is shrinking from not eating the harmful gluten or lactase, my body is burning the fat.  I still feel fantastic!


I have always taken a multi-vitamin but recently I started taking fish oil and Magnesium Citrate.  The fish oil because I know that I do not get enough omega 3 in my diet because I do not like fish.  And the Magnesium because it helps curb sugar cravings.  I slipped up last week and had some sugar, that caused me to crave more.  In case you don't know sugar is HIGHLY addictive.  Eat a little and you crave more.

Something to cheer about:

One of my paleo friends is down 24.5lbs!  I am so happy when people take charge of their life and change things.  This is not easy, giving up grains, carbs, and sugar is not easily accomplished.  We are addicted to this stuff so it takes a strong will to put it down and not pick it up again.  But once you do and the cravings stop it is one of the most freeing feelings in the world.

When shopping for my get together for Memorial Day I had no idea what to get for something "sweet" for my non-paleo guests.  Looking at the cases and aisles of the sugar had no effect on me.  Nothing appealed because I'd be happy with fruit or coconut.  It was amusing because Leah felt the same way, we both stood in the bakery area for a good 20min trying to figure out what people might like.  In the end we got a fruit tart because our paleo brains kept saying fruit...fruit...fruit....fruit.... I had a teeny tiny sliver of it and found it too sugary but most folks liked it.  It was an awesome experience to stand in amongst all that junk food and not have any inclings to wanting it.  I'm so proud of Leah and I both for our conversion.

Now for some honesty:

I've been neglecting this blog.  I had originally wanted to show photos of things I make and speak of my journey.  It's turned mostly into me just speaking about my journey.  I haven't added any photos recently of paleo creations so my goal for next month is to get back to experimentation!  I've also been cheating with my updates and info because I created a facebook group and find that format sometimes easier to quickly post updates to.  So apologies readers I'm going to do better.

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