Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 69: trying something crazy...

It's almost impossible to read about paleo/primal/caveman eating without encountering some mentions of IF (Intermittent Fasting).  The idea is pretty much exactly as it sounds.  You eat intermittently.  The funny thing is in the past few weeks I was doing this accidentally.  I noticed that I wasn't eating at regular intervals because I just wasn't hungry.  Now please note, I am not exercising therefore I do not need fuel like someone who is.  I am consuming the necessary calories and fuel for someone who is just doing normal daily activities.  Anyway, I would occasionally skip breakfast or lunch and wouldn't even realize it as I wasn't hungry.  Or sometimes I would breakfast and lunch but not dinner.

Then I started reading more about IF and how IF doesn't necessarily work for women the same way it does for men.  In fact, normal IF is actually kind of bad for women.  But, I've also heard that in some cases it does work for women.  That's where "Bulletproof Coffee" comes in.  So, here I am sitting in kind of a plateau, already IF'ing, and I think.... "WTH let's try it."

This will be updated throughout the day as I see how going bulletproof feels.

Last night on a trip to the store Leah and I perused the store aisles until we found single estate, wet processed coffee.  I actually found one. SCORE!  I knew we didn't have MCT oil but I thought I'd try virgin coconut oil since the stuff I had at home was pretty hard and processed and we already had Kerrygold grassfed butter.

I start making my coffee.  I didn't think to snap pictures, I will do that tomorrow.  The consistency is that of a latte at least at first glance.  It is creamy and I found it delicious but remember I'm a fat lover now.  The coconut oil made it taste exotic, I did sweeten it with some stevia.  I let Leah try it and she immediately turned up her nose and said it was "slimey".  But, she said it was something she might try.

I am done with the coffee and wishing I had more because I thought it was yummy. :(  So far, I do not feel any differently.  In spite of the fact I am not a normal morning coffee drinker I do not feel jittery or like I'm having a rush.  I am not hungry either.  I will update if anything changes.

I'm feeling a little hyper and focused but still full and not hungry at all.

Still not hungry, feeling pretty good.  I've gotten a good bit of work done :)

2:00-4:09 pm:
I was so frigging busy today I never got hungry once and what's worse is I never moved from my desk all day until close to quitting time because I was so focused on fixing a problem I never realized it.

I started crashing, by that  I mean I was tired and hungry.  VERY hungry.

5:30ish pm:
I finally got dinner in me.  I immediately felt better and had a surge of energy.  I played with the dogs outside and walked them.

I'm getting tired, sleepy even.  So I predict an early bed time.  And thus concludes day1 of Bulletproof.

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