Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Still chugging along

Like the little engine that could I am still going.  I'm still eating paleo and still feeling good.  I find that I sometimes cheat but I won't revert to old ways.  For me cheating is eating a coconut bar or eating honey sweetened paleo ice cream.  The appeal of processed junk food is completely gone from me.  I can't bring myself to eat it.  So if I'm going to cheat it's going to be something homemade.  I still have added sugar in my tea...although I don't use alot I still cannot drink iced tea unsweet.  /gag

My garden!
But enough about that.... see that awesome picture of greens, onions, and bacon?  Yep that would be lettuce and onions from my garden killed/wilted with bacon grease.  And it is about as paleo as one can get.  But aside from that it is yummy!  This is a dish my mom used to make for us in the summers and man did it invoke memories of childhood this week when I ate it.  It also helped that this actually came from our garden that we've been diligently growing.

This past weekend I also made roast chicken. It had been a while and I stopped making it because it seemed like it was going to waste.  This one was extra yummy though as we used herbs from our herb garden to spice it up.  And I was able to capture most of the juice for stock.

mmmm grease
 Once we ate all this yummy chicken I decided to make a massive pot of leftover stew.  This became dinner last night and because my mom does still enjoy noodles and corn I added it to the stew.  I just ate around it because I know that stuff will kill me :)

These are some great examples of frugal paleo eating. I've taken to buying on sale meat in large quantities.  While I would love to eat pastured/grass fed meat it's just not possible to do that on our budget.  So we are trying to shop wisely and hopefully before too much longer we will be harvesting even more veggies from the garden.  One of the largest complaints about paleo is that it is expensive.  I'm telling you it can be done you just have to really plan and work at it and it truly becomes easier as you get more practice.  Yes, it is cheaper to go buy a McDouble for a $1 but that $1 meal is going to make you feel like shit and for a few couple dollars more you could each something that is nutrient dense that will stick with you longer and make you feel much better.

So before I close out I will say that my weight has been flip-flopping this week.  I was down to 28lbs but I'm back up 1.2lbs today.  I'm fairly sure I know why that is; it's not what I've been eating but what I haven't been doing.  I didn't take my magnesium over the weekend (tsk tsk) so once I get that back in me and regular I'll back down again.  I don't want this part of my blog to put others from trying paleo...please understand I've had digestion issues since I had my gall bladder out in my early 20s.  Most people on paleo do not suffer this ailment ;)

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